How to Stop Your Dog from Jumping on Guests: Tips for a Peaceful Home

Does your dog get too excited when guests come over? While it’s natural for our furry friends to want to greet visitors, their jumping can create chaos and make your home feel less welcoming. At Fins Animal Training, we believe in fostering a calm environment for both dogs and their humans. Here are some effective tips to help stop the jumping and ensure a peaceful visit.

1. Make the Door Boring

The first step in preventing your dog from jumping on guests is to make the entrance as uneventful as possible. When people come to your home, have your dog on a leash, in a crate, or in another room. By reducing the excitement at the door, you can help your dog remain calm and relaxed. Over time, this approach can teach your dog that visitors don’t always equal a frenzy.

2. Notify Guests in Advance

Communicating with your guests can significantly help manage your dog’s behavior. Ask your visitors to text or call when they arrive outside, instead of knocking or ringing the doorbell. This gives you a heads-up and allows you to prepare your dog for their entrance, reducing the chances of excitement and jumping.

3. Wait for Calm Before Greeting

It’s essential to establish boundaries when it comes to how your dog interacts with guests. Don’t allow your visitors to greet your dog until your pup has calmed down. This may mean keeping your dog on a leash next to you until everyone has settled in. By rewarding calm behavior, you teach your dog that greetings happen only when they are relaxed.

4. Reward Their Good Behavior

Reward your dog with treats and praise when they remain calm during guest arrivals can yield excellent results in your training. This reinforces their good behavior and helps them associate calmness with positive experiences.


With preparation and consistency, you can help your dog learn to greet guests without jumping on them. By making the door a boring place, notifying guests in advance, and waiting for calm behavior, you set the stage for more peaceful interactions.

Remember, at Fins Animal Training, we’re here to help you navigate these challenges and foster a harmonious home environment for you and your pup!

Our personalized training programs are tailored to fit your dog’s needs and your lifestyle. Contact us today to learn how we can help you and your dog live a happier, more balanced life together!